अपर जानकारी

  • में प्रकाशित
  • पर अपडेट किया
  • अनुमति
  • वर्तमान संस्करण
  • Android आवश्यक है
  • साइज
  • 1000003
  • Android 2.3-2.3.2
  • 44.91 MB
  • Slide and Jigsaw Puzzles screens
  • Slide and Jigsaw Puzzles screens
  • Slide and Jigsaw Puzzles screens
  • Slide and Jigsaw Puzzles screens
  • Slide and Jigsaw Puzzles screens

एप्लिकेशन के बारे में

Play slide puzzle and jigsaw puzzle with beautiful images of various category in high definition. A slide puzzle is one were the aim is to sort the given pieces, using a blank slot for movement. Slider puzzles help to improve the thinking power, agility, hand-eye coordination and patience. A jigsaw puzzle is a game for mind. Play and enjoy with beautiful flower, children, fruits, animals,fish,...

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